4K 沖縄観光 絶景夕景 Japan Okinawa Amazing sunset view 旅行 夕日の海 夕焼け Superb view 波の音 癒しBGM リラックス 夏風景 南の島 ギター

Okinawa is the southwestern most point of the Japanese archipelago, which is a chain of isolated islands.
It is a prefecture of islands, comprising 160 large and small islands which are located in a vast marine area.
The beach affords an amazing sunset view over the sea.
When visiting the island of Okinawa, you should not miss these beautiful spots to catch the most amazing sunset views the islands has to offer.
The beauty of sunset scenery where the sea and the sky are dyed in golden color is breathtaking.

Location 2021
Ishigaki Island ・Nagura Bay
Iriomote Island・ Tsukigahama、 Unarizaki
Taketomi Island ・West Pier、Kondoi beach




Posted by yasamiz